- multiversion concurrency control
- Вычислительная техника: многовариантный контроль совпадений
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Multiversion concurrency control — (abbreviated MCC or MVCC), in the database field of computer science, is a concurrency control method commonly used by database management systems to provide concurrent access to the database and in programming languages to implement… … Wikipedia
Multiversion Concurrency Control — (MCC, MVCC, multi generational concurrency control) ist ein Verfahren aus der Datenbanktechnik, das dazu dient, konkurrierende Zugriffe auf eine Datenbank möglichst effizient auszuführen, ohne zu blockieren oder die Konsistenz der Datenbank zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Concurrency control — In information technology and computer science, especially in the fields of computer programming (see also concurrent programming, parallel programming), operating systems (see also parallel computing), multiprocessors, and databases, concurrency … Wikipedia
Non-lock concurrency control — In Computer Science, in the field of databases, non lock concurrency control is a concurrency control method used in relational databases without using locking. There are several non lock concurrency control methods, which involve the use of… … Wikipedia
Timestamp-based concurrency control — In computer science, in the field of databases, timestamp based concurrency control is a non lock concurrency control method, used in relational databases to safely handle transactions, using timestamps.OperationAssumptions* Every timestamp value … Wikipedia
MVCC — Multiversion concurrency control (MCC, MVCC, multi generational concurrency control) ist eine Methode aus der Datenbanktechnik, konkurrierende Zugriffe auf eine relationale Datenbank möglichst effizient auszuführen, ohne die Konsistenz der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
InterBase — Infobox Software name = InterBase caption = InterBase s performance monitor allows database administrators to view and control server use. developer = CodeGear latest release version = 2009 latest release date = 08 September, 2008 operating… … Wikipedia
MVCC — Управление конкурентным доступом с помощью многоверсионности (англ. MVCC MultiVersion Concurrency Control) один из механизмов обеспечения одновременного конкурентного доступа к БД, заключающийся в предоставлении каждому… … Википедия
Isolation (database systems) — In database systems, isolation is a property that defines how/when the changes made by one operation become visible to other concurrent operations. Isolation is one of the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties.Isolation… … Wikipedia
Snapshot isolation — In databases, snapshot isolation is a isolation mode into Microsoft SQL Server 2005. It is similar to Multiversion concurrency control (MVCC). It guarantees that all reads made in a transaction will see a consistent snapshot of the database, and… … Wikipedia
Sperrprotokoll — Sperrverfahren (Datenbanken) werden in Datenbanksystemen eingesetzt, um die Forderung der Isolation des ACID Prinzips bei Transaktionen zu erfüllen. Alle Sperrverfahren, auch Sperrprotokolle genannt, fallen in die Kategorie der pessimistischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia